As of today, October 19th, I've been in New Zealand for one month. This seems a bit strange, but at this point I'm just going with the flow. Some of which I have documented in photographs.
Last week, one of my coworkers decided to fry a bunch of NZ fish for me and the other new American coworker to try. I managed to get zero pictures of the fish and only one picture of my coffee mug at the bus stop in the driving rain. The fish was very good. Totally worth waiting for the bus in the rain.
That weekend we went tramping. This was very similar to hiking. I was also informed that Kiwis (the birds, not the people or fruit) are very dumb, however are pretty good at staying away from people. Of the three Kiwis I was with (the people, not the bird or fruit) only one of them had seen a Kiwi (the bird, not the people or fruit) in the wild.
A great part of living in a land without lawsuits is that you can have a bridge that says "4 people max" and it's okay.
Down by the river.
We were headed more in that direction.
I was also informed about an hour into this tramping adventure that there would be a river crossing. This quickly explained why I was the only person not wearing shorts.
Owen's phone, which we used briefly for GPS was not working too well. If you pried the back off and removed the battery, you could get it to turn off.
Lunch! Including a peanut butter chocolate bar that was quite delicious.
More lunchtime pics from the top of Mt. Matthews. Which is supposed to be the highest peak in the Wellington area. I think it's 981 meters or something.
A bit further down, but still a really cool area. You can see Wellington on the bay in the background.
After the tramping, actually a couple of days later, we had a pretty great windstorm. I'm told this was above average even for this very Windy City. I almost got knocked over walking home a few times. Some of which looked like the video above. I took it about 100 meters from my house.
Today looked a lot like this. It was the first sunny day in a while so we took advantage. This actually started as Wayne and I riding around and then we ran into Kirk and Mike (please note all of us work in the same place) so we rode some singletrack and looked at stuff. I should also point out that this is about 40 minutes via trails from my new house I'm moving into next week and likely will be on my after work ride.
We even ran into an Emu farm.
And hopefully soon I'll be better at mountain biking.