Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ballard Crit 2013

2013 marked the 20th edition of the Ballard Crit. This is one of the more fun races of the year for a few reasons: it's in Seattle, it's in a part of Seattle where there are lots of non cycling (read: drinking) activities to for spectators to participate in, and because of the previous two reasons there are generally a lot of people in attendance. This makes for a good day.

The HSP team car arrived early, and was not sporting their usual high end bikes on the top. Time to start the rumor that now they are a commuter shop.

From left to right: Tre, John, and Kenny. While it is true that there are more people than the average bike race, these are the usual suspects.

Home sweet home in the pit.

The announcers in the middle of the first race. With 14 minutes to go, things were probably interesting. I don't exactly recall.

Key things to have in the pit (as pictured). Water, tools, wheels, energy drinks, and a positive relationship with the pit official. If you can have those things and a great parking spot for your logo van, everything will be well.

Had to get a shot of my toolbox in the mix. Even if it was accidentally photobombed by the Group Health team.

Action shot! Cat 4 men I think.

The sun was nice enough to come out for us and everything.

Large pizza for the pit crew. Bonus: as the only non-vegan in the pits, this pizza belongs to me. Ballard Pizza Company does the pizza right.

FSA gave us a bunch of these multi-purpose headwear pieces. Bobby was kind enough to model one.

Action for the day included the end of this Mad Fiber. RIP.

Also this rather large staple. Not good for your tires.

In the end it was nice to be back at a bike race.





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